

19 December 2012

(S4O-01623) Health Service (Policies and Priorities)

Stewart Stevenson (Banffshire and Buchan Coast) (SNP):

6. To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether its policies and priorities for the health service are being undermined by United Kingdom Government policies. (S4O-01623)

The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing (Alex Neil): Healthcare provision is a devolved responsibility. I reiterate our continued commitment to a publicly funded and publicly delivered national health service in Scotland. We have categorically ruled out the reforms that are under way in England and have reaffirmed the commitment to continuing to provide world-leading, high-quality and sustainable healthcare for the people of Scotland that reflects the values of the national health service.

Stewart Stevenson: Parliament recently passed the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill, which will ensure that more disabled people can live with dignity and independence. Does the minister agree that the UK Government’s wrong-headed assaults on disability benefits will undermine the Scottish Government’s commitment to independent living?

Alex Neil: It will come as no surprise to members that I agree absolutely with that point of view. I am extremely concerned; like many members, I can tell from my constituency surgery caseload that the impact of many of the reforms is extremely serious and worrying, particularly for the disabled community. I am genuinely concerned about the impact of those benefits reforms on the living standards and quality of life of disabled people in the future.

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