4. Stewart Stevenson (Banffshire and Buchan Coast) (SNP): To ask the Scottish Government how the additional £15.2 million announced for NHS Grampian in 2015-16 will benefit patient care. (S4O-03934)
The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport (Shona Robison): NHS Grampian has welcomed the additional £15.2 million from the Scottish Government. It is currently working up plans on how best to use the extra funding for the benefit of its patients.
Stewart Stevenson: Following the news this week of a highly successful scheme pioneered by the Henry Ford medical group in Detroit, where the suicide rate among patients has fallen by 75 per cent in four years, are there any plans to implement strategies that would specifically target suicide rates in Grampian?
Shona Robison: I am more than happy to look into that research in more detail. We should always look at emerging findings from elsewhere. In the meantime, NHS Grampian works in partnership with Moray Council, Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Police Scotland and third sector partners on suicide prevention strategies and plans. Well-established initiatives are in place across Grampian in a range of community settings. Those follow the choose life strategy, which has been very successful; indeed, other countries have looked at adopting it. The essence of it is that the partners work collaboratively to reduce suicidal behaviour by reviewing data and understanding trends, providing support to those who are affected and working with local community planning partnerships to raise awareness of suicidal behaviour through awareness training.