9. Stewart Stevenson (Banffshire and Buchan Coast) (SNP): To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to tackle period poverty. (S5O-01915)
The Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities (Angela Constance): In our programme for government, which was published in September, we committed to introducing a scheme to fund access to free sanitary products in schools, colleges and universities. Scottish Government officials are currently working with key stakeholders including the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, the Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council, Colleges Scotland and Universities Scotland to ensure that provision can be put in place by the autumn term this year.
We are also committed to considering further action to support others on low incomes in the light of the findings of the pilot scheme in Aberdeen. The pilot is currently being evaluated, and I was pleased to announce recently that we will continue to make sanitary products available to those who took part in the pilot while the evaluation is completed.
Stewart Stevenson: Is the cabinet secretary aware of the urgency of the matter for people in Aberdeenshire, where the Tory-led council has now determined that those who require such products must come forward for them, thus potentially stigmatising those who require them by reason of poverty?
Angela Constance: I agree that free and accessible provision in schools is vital to tackling the issue, which is why this Government has committed to making that happen in schools across Scotland from the start of the next academic year.
Recent research that we carried out in partnership with Young Scot found that having to ask a member of staff for sanitary products was the least popular option among those in education. Officials have worked closely with stakeholders, informed by that important research, to develop a set of guiding principles for provision. Those principles include ensuring that dignity is front and centre and that students’ views are taken into account in developing the delivery approach.
It appears that the approach of Aberdeenshire Council is not consistent with students’ views or with our guiding principles. I encourage it to look again at its delivery approach in consultation with students. I and my officials stand ready to assist either the MSP for the area, councillors or officials.